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Oromia Job creation and vocational Bureau is one of the public institutions among Bureaus of Oromia Regional States, established with the objective of creating and supporting business opportunities and initiatives, producing a lower and middle-level, competent, motivated, adaptable and innovative workforce in the Region, which can contribute to poverty reduction and social and economic development through facilitating demand-driven, high-quality technical and vocational education and training and transfer of demanded technology. Currently, the Bureau has more than 200 professional staff at regional level and administers 805 one-stop service centers, 321 public and 108 private and a total of 429 TVET institutions in the region. Among these, 41 of them are Polytechnic Colleges.


Contributing to the prosperity of Oromia by developing professionally trained and qualified human resources and creating widespread job opportunities


By 2030, we will have created a skilled workforce that is able to contribute to the economic development and reduce unemployment to single digits.

Strategic theme

  • Creating vast job opportunities for the unemployed
  • Ensure the quality and efficiency of training
  • Technolgy development and innovations
  • Core values

    • Transparency
    • Accountability
    • Participatory
    • Quality & competency of training
    • Led by labor market demand
    • Working for change